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Aglonima Lipstika


Aglonima Lipstika


An Aglonima Lipstika is most likable plant ever for indoor. It has many features which makes it different than other. It grows slowly upto 3 feet and requires diffused sunlight and water once in a week. Don’t hesitate; buy it today to make your desk look natural and beautiful.

PLINAGLLIP. 6 in stock .


The Aglonima lipstik is a profoundly enriching plant in a stunning planter. There is by all accounts a little debate in the books about whether this plant is simple or hard to develop. The straightforward administer to take after is this: the lighter the variegation, the lighter it needs. Something else, these are moderate developing, reliably appealing and make incredible foliage plants. They have vast, thin oval leaves on short stems.

Growing Conditions

Light: The darker green varieties can grow in near shade, while the variegated varieties require brighter light. Do not expose to direct sun.

Water: Water thoroughly in the summer, and mist often to raise humidity. During the winter, reduce watering but do not let the plant dry completely. Seek to raise humidity in general.

Temperature: They do not like cold drafts or temperatures below 65ºF. The warmer, the better.

Soil: A well-drained potting soil is perfect.

Fertilizer: Slow-release pellets or liquid fertilizer during the growing season.

Propagation: Aglonima lipstika are not typically propagated by home growers, but they can be divided during re-potting. Small shoots can be potted as individual plants.

Re-potting: They are slow growing and will only need re-potting every other year. Aglonima are generally low-growing plants that will only very gradually reveal their trunks.

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